Articles by tag "display"


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  1. 394. Support: Temperature display is flashing on the Electronic Topside Keypad. When a SpaGuts Electronic Controller is first powered up, the temperature display on the topside keypad should start flashing the temperature until a key is pressed. Otherwise the temperature display will continue to flash. After a power outage and before a key is pressed on the topside ...
  2. 430. Moisture inside Command Center temp display. Regarding the Command Center having moisture in the temperature display, please check the following: 1) If the topside label was not sealed (put on) properly you can have moisture under the label. Make sure the sticky label is sealed properly. Remove the label to see if moisture is under the ...
  3. 517. Support: Balboa topside displaying (SnA or Sa) The Sensor Connected to the "Sens.A" Connector on the System Board may have failed and Spa Functions are Disabled. Check and Test Sensor A, Cable, and Connector for Damage, Connection, and Operation. Check the following: 1. Make sure Both Temperature Sensors are Properly Mounted at the ...
  4. 518. Support: Balboa topside displaying (Snb or Sb) The Sensor Connected to the "Sens.B" Connector on the System Board may have failed and Spa Functions are Disabled. Check and Test Sensor B, Cable, and Connector for Damage, Connection, and Operation. Check the following: 1. Make sure Both Temperature Sensors are Properly Mounted at the ...
  5. 520. Support: Balboa topside displaying Dry or Dr The (Dr or Dry) Fault has occurred 3 times in a row without a successful Heating Cycle and Spa Functions are Disabled. There is Not enough Water in the Heater to Start it. After the Problem has been Resolved, you Must Press Any Button to Reset and Restart Heater Start Up. Check for Water Level, ...
  6. 521. Support: Balboa topside displays OH or OHS Balboa topside displays “OH" or "OHS” *One of the Water Temp Sensors has detected 110°F (43.3°C) for the incoming Water Temperature and Spa Functions are Disabled. System will Auto Reset when Water Temp is below 108°F (42.2°C). Check for Extended Pump Operation or High Ambient ...
  7. 522. Support: Balboa topside displaying LF Fault has occurred 5 times in the Last 24 Hours or Less, and Heating has been Disabled. There is Not Enough Water Flow through the Heater to carry the Heat Away from the Heating Element. After the Problem has been Resolved, you Must Press Any Button to Reset and Restart Heater Start Up. Check ...
  8. 525. Support: Balboa topside displaying Ice or Ic A Potential Freeze Condition has been Detected, and "Ic/Ice" in the System is being Prevented. 44°F (6.7°C) or Lower has been Detected at the Lowest Temp Sensor, or the Aux Freeze Switch has Closed, and All Pumps and Blower are Activated. All Pumps and Blower are ON for at least 4 Minutes ...
  9. 526. Support: Balboa topside displaying ---F The Actual Water Temperature is "Unknown". Priming Mode has been Exited and the Pump has Not yet run for 1 or 2 Minutes (depending on Model) to Sample Actual Water Temperature. With the Heat Related Pump Running, wait at Least 2 Minutes for the Correct Actual Water Temperature to be Displayed.
  10. 527. Support: Balboa topside displaying St or Std The Spa is Operating in the "Standard" Heating Mode. Between Filter Cycles, the Water Temperature is Sampled every 30 Minutes. The Heater and Pump will Operate Any time the Thermostat Demands Heat. The Water Temperature is Always maintained within 1°F (.5°C) of Set Temperature. Other Heating ...

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